
Tulane Hillel – Drop in Hours

912 Broadway St (912 Broadway St, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118)

Stop in to see our building, meet our staff, and get acquainted with some great opportunities at the start of the semester for Freshmen and beyond.

Welcome Freshmen Event

Register with us here:


ADL Tabling in Lobby

Tulane Hillel (912 Broadway St, New Orleans, LA 70118)

Welcome Freshmen Shabbat

Welcome to all Tulane Freshmen, class of 2028! Hang out with your new dormmates and make new connections at our festive Shabbat celebration. Services start at 6:30 and free dinnerRead More

Welcome Back Breakfast Tacos

hillel lobby

Celebrate the first day of class with free breakfast tacos from Rimon!

Donuts and Iced Coffee Bar

Get your iced coffee fix at Hillel with bonus kosher donuts from Krispy Kreme! All are welcome.

Stay up to date with our events via our texting service! Text 504-420-7406 to sign up.