
Brunch With Us in The Sukkah!

Tulane Hillel (912 Broadway St, New Orleans, LA, United States)

Israeli stay brunch at Tulane Hillel Sukkah

Shabbat in the Sukkah

During this holy time, eating under the Sukkah is a mitzvah – so let's celebrate Shabbat and Sukkot together with a delicious meal in our Sukkah!

Edible Sukkah Building

Tulane Hillel (912 Broadway St, New Orleans, LA, United States)

Celebrate Sukkot by building your own edible Sukkah! Join us on the front porch of Hillel, between 3:30-5:30 on Oct. 21st. A photo of each edible sukkah will be entered into a competition for a Rimon gift card!

Edible Sukkah Building

Tulane Hillel (912 Broadway St, New Orleans, LA, United States)

JLF #8

Tulane Hillel - MI3 Classroom (US)

This is a closed cohort learning group for Tulane students! Please email for more information.

Stay up to date with our events via our texting service! Text 504-420-7406 to sign up.