
Yom Kippur Morning Services

Tulane Hillel - MI3 912 Broadway St., New Orleans, LA, United States

Join us for conservative-style morning services led by our guest Rabbinical intern.


Join us for concervative-style Neilah service led by our guest Rabbinical intern.


Join us for a break-fast catered by Rimon!

Gal Gadot Heart of stone watch party

Tulane Hillel - MI3 912 Broadway St., New Orleans, LA, United States

Join us for an Israeli Dinner from Rimon with Hummus, Falafel, Pita, Fries and Babka while watching the new Gal Gadot movie - Heart of Stone! Tuesday, Sept 26th, fromRead More

TUFIC Kick off

Tulane Hillel - MI2 912 Broadway St, New Orleans, LA, United States

Israeli snacks and trivia on Israel

Body Shoppe Class

Get ready to experience a harmonious fusion of flexibility and flow at The Body Shoppe on Feret! Our Flex and Flow class is designed to help you find your innerRead More

Come and Go Bagel Brunch

Tulane Hillel - 1st Floor 912 Broadway St., New Orleans, LA, United States

Join us on August 29th from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM for an indulgent morning at our Bagel Brunch, hosted at Hillel. Savor the aroma of freshly baked bagels asRead More

Edible Sukkah Building

Tulane Hillel 912 Broadway St, New Orleans, LA, United States

Build your own edible Sukkah out of graham crackers and candy!

Bayou St. John Sunset Kayaking Trip

Experience a memorable Sukkot celebration with a sunset kayaking adventure on Bayou St. John! Bus departure from Hillel is at 4:30 p.m., and we'll be back around 7:00 p.m. 🚣☀️Read More

Israeli Brunch @Sukkah

Tulane Hillel - 1st Floor 912 Broadway St., New Orleans, LA, United States

Come grab an Israeli brunch and celebrate sukkot! The brunch will include Israeli salad, Omelets, Pita, and hummus. Brunch will start at 10:30 am and go until 12 pm onRead More

Jewelry Making in the Sukkah

Tulane Hillel - 1st Floor 912 Broadway St., New Orleans, LA, United States

Jewelry making at the sukkah with Jewish charms

Yoga in the Sukkah

Tulane Hillel 912 Broadway St, New Orleans, LA, United States

Fulfill the mitzvah of dwelling in the Sukkah by joining us for yoga! We will provide yoga mats, but feel free to bring your own. No experience or registration required.

Stay up to date with our events via our texting service! Text 504-420-7406 to sign up.