TJL is Tulane Hillel’s leadership incubator that brings together a diverse and strategic group of Jewish students to create Jewish programming and leadership opportunities for others. All of our programmatic offerings are entirely generated by our diverse student leaders.
Through Tulane Hillel’s leadership cohort, Tulane Jewish Leaders (TJL), you’ll get hands-on experience creating programs you are passionate about on campus and in NOLA!
As a member of TJL, you will be paired with one of our staff members to receive one-on-one guidance and mentorship. Our team works to harness your passions and help you use them to drive the programs planned, while also working to find ways to infuse Jewish values and traditions into all that we do.
Members of Tulane Jewish Leaders benefit from a wide range of skill sessions designed to enhance their personal and professional growth. From resume-building workshops to financial literacy classes, these sessions empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to succeed in various aspects of life.
TJL also provides a unique learning experience through its TJL committees, where members can generate program ideas on specific topics. Whether it’s Israel, Social Justice, Social programs, Arts and Culture, or Jewish Learning and Holidays, these committees foster an environment of creativity and collaboration.
Tulane Jewish Leaders creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere that fosters a strong sense of community among peers. Each Fall, Hillel hosts a highly anticipated TJL banquet, providing a wonderful opportunity for members to get to know one another across different cohorts. This event serves as a catalyst for forming meaningful connections and building friendships within the TJL community.
Additionally, TJL offers an exclusive group chat, ensuring that members can stay connected and engaged with one another.
Tulane Jewish Leaders (TJL) is a platform that nurtures student leadership through collaborative event planning with Hillel mentors and fellow peers. TJL empowers its members to take the lead in organizing and executing impactful events that cater to the diverse interests and needs of the Tulane Hillel community. With guidance from experienced Hillel mentors, students have the opportunity to develop valuable leadership skills, including event management, communication, and teamwork. By actively participating in the planning process, TJL members gain hands-on experience, build confidence, and cultivate their own unique leadership style.
I’m interested in being a Tulane Jewish Leader. What are the requirements?
As a member of TJL, you are required to:
- Assist in planning at least one program a year
- Meet with your TJL mentor regularly
- Attend two other TJL planned programs per semester
- Attend one Shabbat a semester
- Attend one Skills Session a semester
- Attend the welcome banquet your first semester in TJL
Apply today! Applications close October 8th.
Contact Gary Brand at gbrandt1@tulane.edu
Current Tulane Jewish Leader?