Yonah’s Final Farewell

Dear Friends,

For the past twelve years, I have had the incredible honor to serve as Executive Director and become a member of the Tulane Hillel family. As my time in this role comes to an end, I want to express my profound thanks and appreciation for all of your support, friendship, and partnership in what we have collectively accomplished. For all these things, I cannot adequately express my full gratitude.

It is an understatement to say that my time as Executive Director has been a huge part of my personal and professional life this past decade. My kids have grown up in and around Hillel, and the relationships I have formed along the way will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Tulane Hillel is a vibrant community with tremendous buy-in, investment, personal meaning, and connection. Together – it has been a group effort! – we have created something very special and unique, and we have seen incredible change and transformation. This collective strength is invaluable to any organization or effort, and I believe it is this strength that affords us all the rare ability to navigate this type of change with poise and focus.

As I leave Hillel for my next chapter as Chief R&D Officer for the Jim Joseph Foundation, I am filled with confidence and excitement for our organization’s future. I join so many of you in anticipation on the arrival of our new Executive Director, Ron Gubitz. Ron is a truly great person, thinker, and mensch who I’ve recently gotten to know. I know you all will give him the warmest welcome.

Our Hillel has never been about any one person. Its strength and longevity has always been about the innumerable special people who compose our community, both past and present. My sincere hope is that you will all continue to be a part of this extraordinary and meaningful organization long into the future. I know I will.

I simply cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me, and I hope in some way I have been able to give to you as well. It is with immense appreciation and a full heart that I say “see you later,” and I look forward to keeping in touch.

With tremendous gratitude and admiration,

Rabbi Yonah Schiller
Executive Director
Tulane Hillel

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